The mission of the International Trends and Services (ITS) facet is to provide a global platform for programs designed and developed to service the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent throughout the world. Our goal is to expose women, children and men to programs which include empowerment and public policy leadership in advocating for social justice.
The mission of the International Trends and Services (ITS) facet is to provide a global platform for programs designed and developed to service the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent throughout the world.
Our goals are to provide services and deliver transformational programs to people of African ancestry globally so that they may have a better quality of life. Past programs sent supplies and educational materials to Haiti. We incorporated our Read a Loud Program via Zoom to an orphanage school in Haiti. Port City (TX) Chapter raised funds for building water wells in Haiti. Currently, we are partnering with Literacy for Life Foundation’s project of building a library in a designated village in Ghana, Africa. A wall will be dedicated to Port City (TX) Chapter, and we will coordinate joint educational programs to enhance literacy and projecting a charter for an international NSBE Jr Chapter.
To provide opportunities for tangible service in other countries and personalized methods for assisting and improving the lives of women, children, and men worldwide through long-term programs.
International Day of Peace with Codwell Elementary; French Tutorial Program with Canaan Orphanage Christian School in Montrious, Haiti
The Port City ITS facet has an ongoing relationship with Codwell Elementary. Our programming involves activities that enlighten and enrich approximately 150 students children throughout the school year. The second graders at Codwell Elementary participated in celebration of the International Day of Peace with story telling by the International Trends and Services Facet and a peace dove art project by the Arts Facet. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21st. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. This year's theme is The Right to Peace - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This year’s proceeds from the Cupcakes and Champagne fundraiser provided educational support to the Canaan Orphanage Christian School in Montrious, Haiti. The students need to be proficient in the formal French language, which is a requirement to attend the local universities or nursing schools and for obtaining government jobs. ITS offered its support in helping the students by purchasing an online French Tutorial Program specifically developed for the Canaan Christian School by Rosetta Stone which will have sustainable impact.
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